Your duty of disclosure.


What you need to tell us:

The above ‘legal duty’ sounds scary and is insurance industry jargon. To take some of the anxiety out of it, what it really means is, in our online policy application you fill in some basic fields about names, ages, one email address, dates of travel and where you’re going. Pretty easy and not many ways this can be ambiguous or untruthful.

Where you really need to pay attention to your legalistic ‘duty of disclosure’ is when answering questions about your (and other travellers on your policy) health. This is both during the application process and if anyone on the policy has a change in health prior to departure on the holiday. In any event, you must answer our questions in the online application honestly and tell us anything that a reasonable person in the circumstances would include, but you don’t need to tell us something unless we specifically ask you about it. We’ll use your answers to determine if we’ll insure you and, if so, on what terms.

Please refer to our PDS for details on what you need to do if you have a change in health before you go away, and about making a change to your policy.

If you’re disclosing information on behalf of anyone else on the policy…

you’re responsible for meeting the duty of disclosure on their behalf.

If you don’t meet your duty of disclosure responsibilities…

such as not telling us something you are required to, or being dishonest or acting fraudulently in answering our questions, we may at our sole discretion:

a) refuse to pay all or part of your claim;

b) cancel your policy without refunding any premium (except as required by law);

c) treat the policy as if it never existed; and/or

d) refuse to provide any further insurance.


Q. How much proof do you need?

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